A course that will help one understand the taxation of real estate sales and clearly explain all the important points to the client

Taxes on the Sale of Real Estate: What is Important to Know
Next course starts: December 3, 12:00
5 days
Level: beginners and experienced specialists
For free
Big course
You will

figure out who and when is to pay taxes when selling real estate, as well as how to account for a deal without consequences
learn the specifics of taxation when selling a country house and apartments
get a clear algorithm for working with tax deductions and will be able to share it with the client

The course is suitable for both beginners and experienced specialists


Anna Buylova
Anna has been working with real estate agents for more than 5 years. She conducts more than 140 hours of consultations per month, and in 2023 she helped her clients return 220 million rubles.

Head of the Legal Center
Course format
Video lectures, tests, and practical case studies
Communication with course curators in the Telegram group

After finishing the course

Course duration: 5 days

The Basics of Real Estate Taxes
  • Introductory online meeting and the beginning of the first part of the course: how the tax is calculated when selling real estate, to whom it applies and whether it can be optimized
Tax Deductions
  • We will talk about the types of tax deductions and situations when they can be obtained. A step-by-step algorithm for obtaining a tax deduction will be presented
Taxes and Different Types of Real Estate

  • The specifics of deal taxation with different types of real estate will be considered: suburban, apartments and assignments
Documentation for the Sale of Real Estate

  • We will learn how to file a tax return correctly, highlight important nuances of passing the audit, and also learn the procedure for appealing tax decisions
Course completion

  • Final testing, according to the results of which you will receive a certificate
To the course