Modern tools for effective work
Neural networks in the work of a real estate agent
Next course starts: March 17, 12:00
5 days
Level: beginners and experienced specialists
Big course
For free
Study language: Russian
You will
How to choose a neural network that will really help?
What are neural networks and how to optimize your work with their help
How to work with neural networks correctly to get the desired result
The course is suitable for those who want to keep up with the times — and take work to the next level with the help of neural networks.
Marianna Belkova
Best real estate marketer in Russia 2023, expert of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, business coach
Market Expert
Course format
Video lectures, tests, and practical case studies
Communication with course curators in the Telegram group

After finishing the course

Course duration: 5 days
Neural networks in real estate: specifics of application
  • Mistakes in use
Features of linguistic neural networks — the main tool of real estate agent's work
  • Overview of neural networks
On the example of searching for clients of parents of children under 7 years old, let’s look at How neural networks can help in search: example of clients for parents of children under 7 years old
  • Introduction to neural networks
Why should a real estate agent study neural networks and how to choose the right one out of more than 6000 options
  • Peculiarities of query writing (Promt-engineering)
Types of neural networks: linguistic, visual, multimodal, video and audio
Posibilities of linguistic neural networks for a real estate agent
  • Overview of capabilities on the example of ChatGPT4
ChatGPT overview and how to work with it
  • Features and limitations of work
Working through third-party applications or APIs and error analysis
  • Practical application of linguistic neural networks
How realtors can use ChatGPT and AI bindings for work
Visual neural networks and their use in real estate
  • Overview of visual neural network capabilities
Visual neural networks for realtors
  • Visualization for lead generation
One-minute presentations for clients
  • Social media design
Creating pictures in Midjourney and animating in Luma
  • Visualization of apartment design
Digital avatars
  • Overview and demonstration of the capabilities of digital avatars.
  • Delegating the recording of trainee training and video shoots to your avatar
Download instructions and risks of use. How to make an avatar speaking different languages of the world. How to make a digital avatar with a new text script
  • Final testing, according to the results of which you will receive a certificate
To the course